Products & Solutions

Connected TV

As Connected TV viewership and streaming video consumption continues to rise, Connected TV advertising has emerged as a powerful and effective channel for reaching and resonating with a new generation of consumers. Media Pulse’s core Connected TV advertising solution connects brands with viewers who are more receptive to ads in a Connected TV environment and more likely to consume content to completion, ensuring ads are seen.

Media Pulse’s Connected TV advertising features include:

15, 30, 60, or 90 second assets

Delivered via Connected TV Devices and Smart TVs

Audience Targeting on hyperlocal scale, from province/state to city to postal code level, utilizing both 1st and 3rd party data

Contextual Targeting across multiple genres – Entertainment, Lifestyle, Sports, Kids & Family

Advanced Connected TV

Brands seeking to develop deeper connections with Connected TV viewers can utilize Media Pulse’s Advanced Connected TV solutions to drive greater engagement and spur immediate action and response. Advanced Connected TV creates more memorable interactive experiences for the viewer as well as measurable, business-impacting campaigns for brands.

Media Pulse’s Advanced Connected TV advertising solutions include:

High Impact Canvas or Overlay Units to make Connected TV assets more visually impactful

QR Code Units to drive viewers to a target destination via their mobile device and compel a specific, measurable viewer action

Interactive Product and Video Galleries that build greater interest and engagement by showcasing additional products, features, or brand assets

Dynamic Locator and Messaging that encourages foot traffic for retail and brick & mortar advertisers by dynamically showcasing closest store locations and delivering to the viewer uniquely target messages based on any number of key triggers

TV-2-Mobile SMS to create incentivized calls to action via a one-time, opt-in text for delivery of exclusive offers, coupons, and more

Trivia and Surveys that gather key audience feedback and data to garner deeper insights about your brand

Learn more about Media Pulse and Connected TV.

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